Reflections on 2020

Hi there, 

I’m sitting at the kitchen table up at the cottage, looking out at frozen Ely Lake. I love the way the texture of the wind-blown snow on the lake changes, as the morning light appears. It’s a very serene view. Cold, but serene. The crackling of the fire in the living room, so warm and cozy, fends off the cold. I’m so blessed.

In the last days of 2020, it’s been easy to say that 2020 sucked, and let's get on with 2021! Yet there’s a lot to be grateful for from 2020. I’m grateful for all of you and your support of Brightwater. From the beginning of the COVID19 shutdown, you have repeatedly shown me how much you care for Brightwater, and how much you have wanted to show your support. From coming in for private shopping, to all the gift cards purchased, it was so amazing! During this fall and Christmas season, you came and supported all of us in Excelsior. You know, at times being a small retailer is tough, but your generosity, support, and smiles are what keeps me striving to make Brightwater even better! From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

As I look forward to 2021, there’s always a bit of in-trepidation. What will the world bring next? But know that I’m anxious to get on with 2021. I’m looking forward to showing you the new lines and goods I’ve already selected for spring and to the research I’m doing for the new Fall offerings. I’m positive that 2021 will be good! That’s my thought. I want to offer you that thought, too. No matter what 2021 brings, its going to be good, if we make it that way.

Sending my best wishes to you and to yours, for a wonderful 2021. Be safe and take care.

Lots of love, too.


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