How are you? It’s hard to believe that it’s a week away from Thanksgiving. I have to admit that I’m a happy guy now that the snow has arrived. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I breathed a sigh of relief when the snow started falling — if only for the sake of Brightwater’s large collection of cozy apparel filling the racks! I do so enjoy the change of seasons and the snow and cold! It’s a part of this northern world. I embrace it!
We headed up to the cottage last Saturday evening to garner the greens for the shop and to just relax a bit. I wish I could relax more, but there always seems to be a host of projects and things that need to get done. Plus, I don’t sit still too well! It was great to get out to all of the favorite spots for all of the different pines — the places dad took me to as a kid. It was great to be out in the woods! So quiet that you could hear the snow falling. I love that!
We returned Monday evening with Dad’s old reliable minivan full of greens — it smells so good! We’ve started filling pots at the shop with the greens. Slowly the shop will be decorated for the holiday season. Although no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving!
I’m excited to say the new Brightwater Look Book should start to show up in your mailboxes soon! I hope you like it as well as I do! We shot it up at the cottage the first weekend in April, still having plenty of snow and ice. It’s full of our offerings for this fall and the holiday season. Perhaps a little bit more of the warm and cozy cashmere and sweaters for inside, yet a great shots outside too. My friend Justin, from Cedar and Stone Sauna Company brought us a sauna to enjoy. We had wonderful saunas, with a plunge in the lake to cool off. It was a great weekend with an amazing collection of friends and clothes. Let me know when you get it and what you think of it. Drop me an email, or better yet, swing by the shop and let me know!
As always, I’d love to have you stop by the shop and say hello. It’s also the best time to begin your Christmas shopping for loved ones (or for yourself!). Now is the best selection. I’d like to invite you to come to Brightwater over the Thanksgiving–Black Friday–Small Business Saturday weekend. We’ll have some sips and bites available and there will be some special sales happening that weekend! There’s also the Excelsior Christkindtl Market happening that weekend. So much to enjoy in Excelsior!
I do have to say that I’m so grateful for all of your support all year long. Although Saturday the 26th of November, is named Small Business Saturday, you have shown me that you shop small businesses all year long! Thank you! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. May it be filled with family, friends, and love.
Be kind, be gentle, and have some fun.
Lots of love,
- Bill
Gearing up for the busiest season!
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